Articles posted January 2005 | Older >> |
Fixing System 16B sound, part one
So I ended up going back & forth a few times this weekend trying to figure out how to make the UPD7759 chip work. The big problem is that the chip runs in two modes. The first mode is "standalone" mode, where the chip is directly connected to an external ROM. A sample number is written to the chip, and the /START line toggled. At that point the chip takes over entirely, looking up the sample address in a table at the start of the ROM, and then playing back the sample data. Most games use this mode, and this works quite nicely.
Unfortunately, things are not so simple with Sega System 16B, because they use "slave" mode, which is the other mode the chip supports. In this mode, there is no external ROM directly connected to the chip. Instead, all the sample data is fed by the Z80 controlling the sound chip, one byte at a time. The key to this whole thing working is the /DRQ ("data request") signal that the UPD7759 uses to indicate that it needs more data from the Z80. In the case of System 16B, the /DRQ is connected to the /NMI signal on the Z80, meaning that an interrupt is generated. The interrupt handler then looks up the next byte in the banked sample ROM and feeds it to the UPD7759.
The current code in MAME handles slave mode with a big hack. Essentially, when a sample is started, the code cranks up a timer that requests data at a fixed rate of 40,000 times per second. This is way faster than is needed for sample playback, so the accumulated data is kept in a buffer until it is needed.
Recently, Jarek Burczynski (who is responsible for a ton of very detailed work on many sound chips emulated in MAME), set about figuring out the correct timings of the /DRQ line in slave mode. This information essentially proved the theory that there is no internal buffer on the chip, and the /DRQ line is asserted "on demand" as data is needed. This is important for the System 16B emulation case because the NMI handlers in the various sound programs take varying amounts of time. On many games, the NMI handler is very short, and can easily repond to 40,000 requests per second. On other games (Cotton in particular), the NMI handler is long, and you quickly overrun the processor with interrupts.
So, how do you implement this in MAME's architecture? Unfortunately in MAME, the sound emulation is a second-class citizen compared to the CPU emulation. Without going into excruciating detail, the upshot is that if a CPU needs to signal something to a sound chip (say, by writing data to it), then we stop executing the CPU and catch the sound chip up to the current time before actually sending the signal. This works very well to achieve highly accurate sound playback. The problem is that if the sound chip needs to send a signal back to a CPU (for example, changing the state of the /DRQ line), there is no mechanism for that to happen. The only way to work around this is to know in advance when the next signalling time will be, and schedule it using a timer.
Thus on the one hand we have standalone mode, where everything is done internally and no communication back to the CPU is necessary. This case should run like a regular sound chip. And then we have the slave mode case, where we need to signal /DRQ very frequently.
The solution I came to was to rewrite the way the UPD7759 worked internally to be entirely driven by a state machine. This state machine is implemented in a common routine that is called one of two ways. In standalone mode, the sound generation code simply counts how many UPD7759 clocks happen each sample it generates, and then, when it's time to transition to the next state, it calls the state machine routine to advance things along.
In slave mode, however, things work quite differently. When a sample is started, a timer is set up to fire immediately. That timer calls the state machine routine to advance the state, after which it looks to see how long we need to stay in that particular state. Based on the number of clocks it needs to stay there, it schedules another timer to fire at that exact moment. In the meantime, the actual sound is generated the same way it is for the standalone case, except that the sound generator doesn't count clocks (since all the timing is being handled in the timers).
In short, in standlone mode the timing and sound generation are handled by the same routine. In slave mode, the timing is handled by timers (which allows correctly timed communications with the sound CPU), and the sound generation is handled by the same routine as in standalone mode.
Fortunately, this all works quite well. Unfortunately, that was only part of the problem with 16B sound. More on that later.
MAME 0.91u1
Get the latest update from Haze's site. Includes my memory fix and the Vegas driver.
What’s next?
I've been kind of dreading it, but now is the time to finally tackle the UPD7759 emulation in MAME. Since the most recent update by OG a while back, Jarek has found out a bunch of other good information about the chip, specifically the exact clock timings for slave mode, which is used by the System 16B games. I'm hoping that proper emulation of this mode will help fix most of the glitches in the ADPCM playback on all the System 16B games. <fingers crossed>
MAME 0.91
The official MAME 0.91 download is now available. Some really nice fixes in this update.
Unfortunately, I managed to introduce a bug in the memory mirroring code at the last minute. Most games aren't affected, but it does affect Killer Instinct and the Seattle games, so don't be surprised if they hang in 0.91.
If you'd like to apply a quick fix, you can add the following line to memory.c, at line 1247:
if (cur_index == LEVEL1_INDEX(end + hmirrorbase))
right before this line:
if (hmirrorcount != 0 && prev_entry == tabledata->table[cur_index])
In other news, I finally cleaned up and submitted the Vegas/Denver driver. This is mostly a bunch of non-working games except for Gauntlet Legends, if you enjoy playing games at 5fps.
The Empire Strikes Back
This should be fun. Having grown up in the Star Wars era (I was 7 when the original came out and I saw it multiple times like every good little kid), it was my bounded duty to pick up the Star Wars Trilogy box set when it was finally released on DVD. But after picking it up, I felt strangely reluctant to watch the movies. Not so much because I was concerned about the various tweaks and alterations that had been made -- I could care less, really -- but because, quite frankly, I was a bit Star Wars-ed out.
As many of you know, I used to work for The Man Himself at the gaming arm of the empire, LucasArts Entertainment Company. And what was best about the job and the company when I first started working there was the commitment to only do 50% Star Wars games; the other half of the games would be original unlicensed titles. But as my three-and-a-half year tenure at LucasArts came to a close, I found that the company had seriously shifted focus and had turned into a primarily Star Wars-licensed games shop. And there were quite a lot of crap Star Wars titles that were being released, which I was quite frankly not that interested in. The only plus side was being able to see an animatic version of Episode I well before its release.
But I digress. The main point is that I've been kind of sick of Star Wars, and so I've been hesitant to revisit the Original Trilogy for fear that I would not really enjoy them as much as I once had. I did break down and watch the original Star Wars when I first got the DVDs, and was quite amazed at how beautiful the transfer looked for a 1977 movie.
So now, many months later, I finally sat down to watch The Empire Strikes Back. As with the first movie, I was blown away at the video quality on the DVD. For many fans, this is considered the best of the Original Trilogy.
I would have to agree. This is the most "grown up" of all the Star Wars movies. The Hoth battle has some of the feel of a real attack and actually kind of sucks you in. I still smile at seeing the Wampa attack because I know it was added to mask Mark Hammill's scars from his motorcycle accident. The romance between Han and Leia is at its most amusing and believeable. The betrayal in Bespin still makes for a great turn of events. Luke leaving his training with Yoda and flying off to confront Vader, and the twist ending (twisty at the time anyway) all add up to really form the quintessential moments in the series.
And at the same time, I found myself dozing off a few times during the last hour of the movie, in spite of the blaring surround sound. I guess I have just seen the movies too many damn times for them to hold my attention for another 2 hours.
Still, I think this is the one Star Wars movie that I still believe gets 4/4 stars.