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Productive Weekend!

Since my last update, we've had quite the feast of bugfixing!

In addition, a few recently filed bugs have been fixed, and a lot of new bugs have been filed. Although my original rules said that only bugs which were filed prior to December 30, 2007 count, I've decided to extend this to include -- at my discretion -- bugs which are filed later but which existed prior to December 30.

Newly fixed $10 bugs: (now up to 20 total)
qzkklgy2_0106u6red [David Haywood]
d3dwindow0117u3red [Aaron Giles, Emuman]
system24_0120u3red [Atari Ace, Aaron Giles]
aleck64_0120red [Aaron Giles]
mtetrisc0115u1red [Aaron Giles]
skychut37b1yel [couriersud]
abaseb0122u3red [Zsolt Vasvari]
invho2_0122u3red [Zsolt Vasvari]

Newly fixed $5 bugs: (now up to 35 total)
memory_leak0111u6ora [Oliver Stoneberg]
gridiron079gre [David Haywood]
maniach37b11gre [David Haywood]
matmaniac37b14gre [David Haywood]
warriorb0109u2gre [David Haywood]
vball071u1gre [Bryan McPhail]
arkanoid061gre [Bryan McPhail]
flkatck058gre [David Haywood]
memleak0119u3ora [Oliver Stoneberg]
skychut37b6gre [couriersud]
darius2_0114gre [Bryan McPhail]
ad2083_0111u5gra [couriersud]
ladybug080u1gre [Zsolt Vasvari]
narc37b16yel [Aaron Giles]
kingofb37b6gre [robiza]
stonebal0117u2gre [Aaron Giles]
wotw36b1gre [Zsolt Vasvari]
wallst071gre [Zsolt Vasvari]
mtrap37b14gre [Zsolt Vasvari]
pitfight0109u2gre [Aaron Giles]
suprridr0122u2gra [Zsolt Vasvari]
suratk0122u3ora [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

This not only gives us a nice total of 55 bugs, but it also crosses our second 25-bug threshold, giving a second $100 bonus to the dumping project.

Grand total raised so far is: $200 (20 x $10) + $175 (35 x $5) + $200 (2 x $100) = $575. If this momentum keeps up, we might actually hit my topmost limit! (Don't let that stop you, there is a contingency plan if we do hit it....)