The Final Rip: L

Here is where I talk a little about various artists whose music I own. (S/T means self-titled.)

Since MTV was a big part of my early music experience, I tried to find videos of one song for each band just for fun. Apologies in advance for some of the more lurid examples, I mostly picked them based on the song, not on the video content!

Other segments: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Complete(ish) Collections

Letters to Cleo (1994 Aurora Gory Alice, 1995 Wholesale Meats and Fish, 1997 Go!) — Apart from having a great play on words for their debut album, Letters to Cleo was pretty much just a solid, straight ahead female-fronted rock band. Their big hit was “Here & Now” but I really appreciated pretty much everything they put out.

Letters To Cleo - Here And Now.mpg

Linkin Park (2000 Hybrid Theory, 2002 Reanimation, 2003 Live in Texas, 2003 Meteora, 2004 Collision Course, 2007 Minutes to Midnight, 2010 A Thousand Suns, 2012 Living Things, 2014 The Hunting Party) — It’s become kind of cool to hate on Linkin Park these days, but I still enjoy them. When they first came on the scene, the hard rock mixed with rap & electronica was actually pretty novel. Now that it’s been often imitated and given its own genre tag (“nu metal”) I guess you’re not allowed to like them anymore or something. Whatever….

Crawling (Official Video) - Linkin Park

John Linnell (1999 State Songs) — So the less flamboyant half of They Might Be Giants put out a solo album of ostensibly state-themed songs, though if you listen to the lyrics, most of them have pretty much nothing to do with the state in question. Regardless, the album is full of quirky fun songs like TMBG so here it lives in my collection.

Iowa - State Songs/John Linnell

Little Computer People (2001 Electro Pop) — I found this CD while visiting Paris and picked it up on a whim because it was a pretty unique sound at the time, a bit of a mix of Kraftwerk with more modern influences. Seems to have been a one-off project as far as I can tell.

little computer people - Electro Pop

Lunatic Calm (1997 Metropol, 2002 Breaking Point) — This was an electronica band I first heard of through various soundtracks, most notably The Matrix soundtrack. Too bad they only put out 2 albums as they are both pretty great.

Lunatic Calm - Leave You Far Behind (Original Video)

Partial Collections

Laibach (2003 WAT) — Ah, Laibach. Always a bit of an enigma, with a unique operatic classical/industrial sound that you could never be quite sure whether to take seriously or not. I mostly felt they were hamming it up, myself. This is one of their more mainstream albums.

Laibach - Das Spiel ist aus (Official video)

Lard (1990 The Last Temptation of Reid) — The first and best Lard album, an unholy collaboration between Al Jourgensen & Paul Barker of Ministry and Jello Biafra of the Dead Kennedys. The overall vibe of the album is punk/comedy (check out “Can God Fill Teeth?” for the full-on comedy aspect) and mostly a fun listen, apart from the interminable final track, which I often skip.

Lard - Drug Raid at 4 AM

Limp Bizkit (1999 Significant Other) — I can’t really justify owning this. Not sure what I was thinking. We all make mistakes. “Rearranged” isn’t too bad, I suppose.

Limp Bizkit - Re-Arranged

Lords of Acid (1994 Voodoo-U) — Raunchy, intense techno-industrial fun is how I would describe Lords of Acid. They were popular enough with “The Crab Louse” to get lots of airtime on the Bay Area alternative radio stations, which is where we picked them up. Definitely one of the more, ah, clinical songs you might encounter about STDs, haha.

Lords Of Acid - The Crablouse (Official Video)

Love and Rockets (1987 Earth – Sun – Moon, 2003 Sorted! The Best of Love and Rockets) — While Arcadia’s “So Red the Rose” is often described as the most pretentious album ever, I’ll put up “Earth – Sun – Moon” as a competitor. Apparently a bit of an anomaly in their catalog, this all-acoustic album became my senior year go-to album in high school. As with most albums that made a big impression on me, the overall mood of it is haunting and reflective and filled with tons of great songs. I picked up the Greatest Hits to see if I should explore their catalog more, but honestly ESM is just so perfect I don’t want to ruin it with other stuff.

Love And Rockets - "No New Tale To Tell"

Greatest Hits

Loverboy (1997 Super Hits) — Always felt that Loverboy got short shrift in the annals of 80s pop history. They were honestly Journey-level popular there for a while but for whatever reason never managed to achieve the same retro-popularity as many of their contemporaries. Too bad because they had a monster string of great songs, in spite of their predilection for red leather pants.

Loverboy - Turn Me Loose

The Final Rip: K

Here is where I talk a little about various artists whose music I own. (S/T means self-titled.)

Since MTV was a big part of my early music experience, I tried to find videos of one song for each band just for fun. Apologies in advance for some of the more lurid examples, I mostly picked them based on the song, not on the video content!

Other segments: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Complete(ish) Collections

Kasabian (2004 S/T, 2006 Empire, 2009 West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum, 2011 Velociraptor!, 2014 48:13, 2017 For Crying Out Loud) — One of my favorite recent bands! Their first big song “Clubfoot” was popular around the time we moved to the Seattle area, and I picked up their debut album. Love their hooky songs and their willingness to bring out the synths in the name of cool music!

Kasabian - Days Are Forgotten

Kraftwerk (1975 Radio-Activity, 1977 Trans-Europe Express, 1978 The Man-Machine, 1981 Computer World, 1986 Electric Cafe, 1991 The Mix, 2003 Tour de France Soundtracks) — Despite getting into electronic music in high school, I was pretty oblivious to the existence of Kraftwerk for many years. Fortunately, my eyes were finally opened to their greatness in the late 90s. The wife and I quote this song all the time, and now even our 6yo quotes it back, LOL.

Kraftwerk - The Robots

Partial Collections

Kid Rock (1998 Devil Without a Cause) — Ok, I take full responsibility here. Early Kid Rock was more white trash hip-hop, and the song “Bawitdaba” from this album had a heavier almost industrial sound to it. The rest of the album has enough fun songs and over-the-top attitude that I’ll admit to still giving it a spin now and again.

Kid Rock - Bawitdaba (Enhanced Video)

The Killers (2004 Hot Fuss) — This record was all the alterna-rage on Seattle radio in 2004, largely on the back of “Somebody Told Me.” The promise of that song made me hope for a harder-edge 80s retro-synth style that I found lacking when I got the album (ultimately The Faint managed to find that sweet spot I was looking for). I could lose this one from my collection without much sorrow.

The Killers - Somebody Told Me

Korn (1999 Issues) — Another one-off that I picked up largely on the promise of one single (“Falling Away from Me“). Decent album but not enough to make me explore further.

Korn - Freak On a Leash

Greatest Hits

Kansas (1984 The Best of Kansas) — Some really great, classic songs from these guys. But as an early 80’s MTV fanatic, it was “Play the Game Tonight” which caught my attention.

Kansas - Play The Game Tonight

KISS (1996 Greatest KISS) — I mostly knew of early KISS through their trading cards, which annoyingly got mixed up with our Star Wars trading cards. When I went through my early high school hair metal phase, KISS had unmasked, and for two albums during that time period, I was a pretty big fan.

Kiss - Heaven's On Fire

KMFDM (1998 Retro) — I was a huge fan of early KMFDM when Raymond Watts was involved and I was high on the discovery of industrial music. As time wore on, and albums accumulated, they all pretty much just started sounding the same, so this collection suffices to cover the essentials.

KMFDM - Dont Blow Your Top - Track 2

The Final Rip: I-J

Here is where I talk a little about various artists whose music I own. (S/T means self-titled.)

Since MTV was a big part of my early music experience, I tried to find videos of one song for each band just for fun. Apologies in advance for some of the more lurid examples, I mostly picked them based on the song, not on the video content!

Other segments: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Complete(ish) Collections

Jump, Little Children (1998 Magazine, 2001 The Early Years, Volume 1, 2001 Vertigo, 2004 Between the Dim and the Dark) — “Hey, I know one of the band members” is why we first picked up their music, since my wife’s cousin is their cello/guitar player, but I quickly grew to appreciate them independent of this connection. Was always interesting to hear tidbits of their efforts to get signed. Even though they’ve officially moved on to other projects, they still have quite the following in the south. And I find it cool that Joan Osborne covered the beautiful “Cathedrals.”

Jump Little Children - Cathedrals

Partial Collections

INXS (1984 The Swing, 1987 Kick) — Mid-80’s INXS had just an amazing string of albums. At one point I had Shabooh Shoobah and Listen Like Thieves as well as these two, then decided it was time for a Greatest Hits collection, then realized I didn’t like anything newer and was missing some key favorites, so I started picking up some of the albums again! The Swing is definitely my favorite album, but “Need You Tonight” is probably my favorite song.

INXS Need You Tonight - Mediate

Izdatso (2001 S/T) — I tend to find straight up trance/dance music better on mixed compilations rather than as individual artists’ albums. This is a typical case of a good-enough-to-keep-but-doesn’t-blow-me-away CD. Band doesn’t even warrant a Wikipedia entry, apparently.

Izdatso - Western Nights

Greatest Hits

In This Moment (2015 Rise Of The Blood Legion – Greatest Hits) — Another recent addition to the lineup after hearing some good stuff on Octane. Weird that this 2015 collection doesn’t include anything from their 2014 album, including “Big Bad Wolf” which was the first song that caught our attention. Also interesting to find that their earlier work is less screamy than their harder, more recent stuff. Personally, I prefer the screamier stuff!


Michael Jackson (2003 Number Ones) — Oh come on, everyone needs some MJ in their collection! Also: the video for “Thriller,” featuring zombies before they were trite.

Michael Jackson - Thriller (Official Video)

Billy Joel (1985 Greatest Hits, Volume I & Volume II) — I remember wondering as a kid if it was ok to like Billy Joel because my grandpa was a fan, LOL. Honestly don’t care too much for his later stuff, and I can take or leave a few of the items on here, but I do have a soft spot for a lot of the tunes in the middle, especially when he rocks it up a little.

Billy Joel - Pressure

Howard Jones (1993 The Best of Howard Jones) — HoJo is one of those artists who was omnipresent during my teenage years but who never clicked onto my radar until much later. I picked up this collection and realized that I knew pretty much every song, but just didn’t recognize them by name.

Howard Jones - New Song

Journey (1988 Greatest Hits) — Apparently I’m the only person who thinks “Separate Ways” is a masterpiece and the best Journey song ever. So be it!

Journey - Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)

The Final Rip: G-H

Here is where I talk a little about various artists whose music I own. (S/T means self-titled.)

Since MTV was a big part of my early music experience, I tried to find videos of one song for each band just for fun. Apologies in advance for some of the more lurid examples, I mostly picked them based on the song, not on the video content!

Other segments: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Complete(ish) Collections

Dave Gahan (2003 Paper Monsters, 2007 Hourglass) — Solo efforts by Depeche Mode’s lead singer and obviously why I own them. Doesn’t stray too far afield from music that DM might actually do.

Dave Gahan - Dirty Sticky Floors

Garbage (1995 Garbage, 1998 Version 2.0, 2001 beautifulgarbage, 2005 Bleed Like Me, 2012 Not Your Kind of People, 2016 Strange Little Birds) — Picked up their first album when “Vow” became a pretty big hit in 1995. Everything they’ve released has been pretty solid. Dark and poppy at the same time, just like I like ’em!

Gorillaz (2000 Gorillaz, 2001 G Sides, 2005 Demon Days, 2007 D-Sides, 2010 Plastic Beach) — One of my strongest memories is spacing out to the video for “19-2000” while chilling out in our Paris hotel room in between sightseeing during the summer of 2001. Not everything they do works, but when it does, it’s usually incredibly catchy. (Dare I mention “Dare”?)

Gorillaz - 19-2000 (Official Video)

Gravity Kills (1996 S/T, 1998 Perversion, 2002 Superstarved) — With songs featured on both the Se7en and Mortal Kombat soundtracks, it’s no wonder I picked up their debut album. Their sound trends toward early Nine Inch Nails, and although I find them pretty listenable, they ultimately ended up being more to my wife’s taste than mine.

Gravity Kills ~ Guilty 1995 HD

Partial Collections

Peter Gabriel (1982 S/T (Security), 1986 So, 1989 Passion: Music for the Last Temptation of Christ, 1990 Shaking the Tree: Sixteen Golden Greats, 1992 Us, 2002 Long Walk Home, 2002 Up) — To me, “Shock the Monkey” is one of the best songs and videos of the early MTV era, and what really made me into a Peter Gabriel fan. (Admission: I never got into Genesis during his era as lead singer.) The album it appeared on was one of the first all-digital albums recorded, and certainly the earliest DDD CD I owned, though not the first I purchased. His soundtrack efforts have been pretty brilliant as well. Only wish he would put out more new material!

Peter Gabriel - Shock The Monkey

Genesis (1983 S/T) — Everyone loves to rip on Phil Collins-era Genesis, but honestly their self-titled 1983 release is one of my all-time favorite albums. Sure, it includes the cheesy “Illegal Alien,” but outside of that it’s filled with great atmospheric and moody music. Too bad the original “Mama” video isn’t available. Even the peppier “That’s All” has a dark feel to it that I can’t entirely explain. I’ll also note that Phil Collins’ solo music of this era has a similar feel (think “In the Air Tonight” and “I Don’t Care Anymore”), so I have to admit to being a bit of a fan, at least for this time period.

Genesis Mama - Lyrics

Martin L Gore (2003 COUNTERFEIT2) — Solo effort by the other main Depeche Mode singer. Was going to put this in the “complete(ish)” column until I noticed that there was a new (instrumental) release in 2015, so I guess that’s only a 50% collection. Oh well! This album is all covers of other artists’ work, most of which I’d never heard before.

Martin L. Gore - Loverman

Halestorm (2009 Halestorm, 2015 Into the Wild Life) — Another recent Octane pick-up. The world needs more female-fronted hard rock bands.

Halestorm - "I Am The Fire" [Official Video]

PJ Harvey (1993 Rid of Me, 1995 To Bring You My Love, 1998 Is This Desire?, 2000 Stories From the City, Stories From the Sea, 2004 Uh Huh Her, 2007 White Chalk, 2009 A Woman a Man Walked By) — I first got into PJ in the early 90’s with her stripped-down “Rid of Me”-era songs. Each album has been a bit of a journey, some a little out there for me, but she definitely has her unique sound and some real classics in her discography.

PJ Harvey - Down By The Water

Haujobb (2003 Vertical Theory) — Part of my effort to find “modern” industrial-sounding music to complement my collection of classic industrial bands. This release works well enough but I haven’t been too eager to flesh out the catalogue in my collection.

Haujobb - Renegades of Noize

Hole (1994 Live Through This) — You might think Courtney Love sold out or destroyed her career or sullied the name of her husband or whatever, but this is a powerful collection of songs.

Greatest Hits

Hall & Oates (1983 Greatest Hits: Rock ‘n Soul, Part 1, 2001 The Very Best of Daryl Hall & John Oates) — Hey this almost-redundant-but-not-quite dual greatest hits collection thing is a real trend in my collection! The first (and second) band I got to see in concert, they have an undeniable legacy. I actually remember singing “Maneater” in elementary school music class with mimeographed, poorly-transcribed lyric sheets, LOL. Their Out of Touch album definitely mixed things up a bit and produced some interesting additions to their oeuvre.

Daryl Hall & John Oates - Method of Modern Love

Heart (2002 The Essential Heart) — Most people remember Heart for their early rockers, but as an MTV child I was indoctrinated into their mid-80s poppy phase. Songs like “These Dreams,” “What About Love,” and “Never” are almost disturbingly emotionally loaded singles that immediately take me back to watching music videos late into the night during high school.

Heart - These Dreams

Huey Lewis & The News (2006 Greatest Hits) — Sure, the whole Huey Lewis monologue in American Psycho was priceless, but here’s another MTV era pop phenomenon who was ultimately just harmless fun. “Hip to Be Square” and “The Power of Love” (from Back to the Future) were always my faves.

Huey Lewis And The News - Hip To Be Square