Articles posted January 2008 Older >>

On the Home Stretch….

Things are definitely settling down a bit on the bugfixing front, which hopefully means that most of the easy stuff is taken care of.

The 0.122u7 update had 12 new bugfixes, all in the green/orange/gray category. So coming into the end of the month, we are looking at a total donation of $270 (27 x $10) + $410 (82 x $5) + $400 (4 x $100) = $1,080 raised for the dumping project so far.

There's 4 more days remaining, and we're within 16 bugs of hitting 125, which would kick in an extra $100. 4 bugs per day. Can we do it? Tune in to find out! :)

97 and Counting….

Forgot to post an update after the release of MAME 0.122u6, but we have another 26 bugfixes, taking us to 97 bugs fixed at the halfway point of the month. We had 5 new yellow/red fixes in u6, along with 21 smaller fixes.

This makes the currrent totals: $270 (27 x $10) + $350 (70 x $5) + $300 (3 x $100) = $920 raised for the dumping project. And with only 3 more bugs, we will cross 100 and add another $100 to the pot. Actually, I can tell you that I already see at least 3 more fixes ready to go for the next release, so we are over the $1,000 mark!

Thanks to everyone (especially those outside of the core team) for putting some extra focus on clearing out some of these bugs. And apologies to Fujix over at MAMETesters for making him do much more work this month. ;)

Closing in on 75 bugs…

With the release of MAME 0.122u5, we have 16 more bugfixes, bringing the total up to 71. Of the new fixes, only 2 are in the yellow/red ($10) category, while the remaining are in the $5 category.

So as it currently stands, we are looking at: $220 (22 x $10) + $245 (49 x $5) + $200 (2 x $100) = $665 for the dumping project. If we can get at least 4 more fixed, we will cross over to 75 bugs and earn a third $100 bonus.

While I don't expect this weekend to be quite as productive as last, I think we should get 4 more no problem.... :)

Productive Weekend!

Since my last update, we've had quite the feast of bugfixing!

In addition, a few recently filed bugs have been fixed, and a lot of new bugs have been filed. Although my original rules said that only bugs which were filed prior to December 30, 2007 count, I've decided to extend this to include -- at my discretion -- bugs which are filed later but which existed prior to December 30.

Newly fixed $10 bugs: (now up to 20 total)
qzkklgy2_0106u6red [David Haywood]
d3dwindow0117u3red [Aaron Giles, Emuman]
system24_0120u3red [Atari Ace, Aaron Giles]
aleck64_0120red [Aaron Giles]
mtetrisc0115u1red [Aaron Giles]
skychut37b1yel [couriersud]
abaseb0122u3red [Zsolt Vasvari]
invho2_0122u3red [Zsolt Vasvari]

Newly fixed $5 bugs: (now up to 35 total)
memory_leak0111u6ora [Oliver Stoneberg]
gridiron079gre [David Haywood]
maniach37b11gre [David Haywood]
matmaniac37b14gre [David Haywood]
warriorb0109u2gre [David Haywood]
vball071u1gre [Bryan McPhail]
arkanoid061gre [Bryan McPhail]
flkatck058gre [David Haywood]
memleak0119u3ora [Oliver Stoneberg]
skychut37b6gre [couriersud]
darius2_0114gre [Bryan McPhail]
ad2083_0111u5gra [couriersud]
ladybug080u1gre [Zsolt Vasvari]
narc37b16yel [Aaron Giles]
kingofb37b6gre [robiza]
stonebal0117u2gre [Aaron Giles]
wotw36b1gre [Zsolt Vasvari]
wallst071gre [Zsolt Vasvari]
mtrap37b14gre [Zsolt Vasvari]
pitfight0109u2gre [Aaron Giles]
suprridr0122u2gra [Zsolt Vasvari]
suratk0122u3ora [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

This not only gives us a nice total of 55 bugs, but it also crosses our second 25-bug threshold, giving a second $100 bonus to the dumping project.

Grand total raised so far is: $200 (20 x $10) + $175 (35 x $5) + $200 (2 x $100) = $575. If this momentum keeps up, we might actually hit my topmost limit! (Don't let that stop you, there is a contingency plan if we do hit it....)

First 25 Bugs Fixed!

We hit the first 25 bugs fixed milestone this morning! Remember, each 25 bugs nets an extra $100 bonus for the dumping project. Since the last update, we have 11 new bugfixes: 5 $10 bugs and 6 $5 bugs, bringing the current totals to 12 and 13, respectively.

That's $120 (12 x $10) + $65 (13 x $5) + $100 (bonus for reaching 25) = $285 total raised so far.

This could get costly! :)

To prevent duplication of effort, here is the list of recent fixes: